Scott C. Everett Photography

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New Year's Resolution (a bit late)

I must be the only person in America whose New Year's resolution was to drink more alcohol.  A resolution in which I have failed miserably.

You see, my wife and I have always loved wines.  When we'd take our legendary weekend trips (usually involving more than 1200 miles driving) we would usually end up at some winery local to whatever our destination was.  We've been to wineries in Missouri, Illinois, Texas, New Mexico, and others.  Well, since having our two kids, our trips have been seriously curtailed.  As in, we haven't driven more than 100 miles in any direction for at least two years.  Without the travel, there are no wineries to visit.  Without winery visits, there is no wine to drink.

We do sitll have a small library of wines, but we are usually too tired or not interested at the end of the day.  Besides, wine with gummy worms and stinky diapers doesn't sound too appealing to me.

That said, I have recently opened a bottle my sister sent us for our anniversary -- a pretty good cabernet franc from Gadino Cellars.  I've had about half the bottle myself over the last two days, my wife has had none (she's been sick).  I think this may have actually fulfilled my resolution for 2008.  Maybe for 2009 I'll get to drink one whole bottle.



Turning Leaf