Scott C. Everett Photography

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POTD #9 - First fashion shoot

Yesterday, 24 May, I took my photo group out for our monthly photo walk. This time I threw in a little twist. I added models into the mix. I think that may have scared some of them off. You see, photographers tend to be kind of geeky, spending most of their time worrying about what gadget should be their next purchase. Rarely to most enthusiast photographers get a chance to interact with actual people on a shoot.

On this day, the models actually outnumbered the photographers, 4 to 3. One of the photographers in the group was keen on shooting the models, as was I. The other, not so much. No matter, that's why I arranged it for where I did. We used my back-up location of the suspension bridge in downtown Waco. That gave everyone something to shoot.

Here's my first crack at some fashion / portraiture photography.


Tech Talk:

I had my model under the bridge to provide some shade and even lighting, given the late afternoon harsh light. I used my 50mm lens opened all the way to f/1.8 to get some good bokeh. In post, I added some clarity, vibrance, and saturation. I also added a little extra red saturation and a vignette.