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Airports are great

While traveling this past week, I got to spend some quality time in airports. Now, I don't know about you, but just being in an airport normally makes me very sleepy. I fought through that this time and tried to grab some interesting shots.

Most of them didn't work.

I tried to get something to describe the movement of people, but that was completely unpredictable. I'd shoot one frame with no one to get the exposure correct and wait for someone to walk through. They'd stroll through and I'd have a clear, but out of focus image of them. Then I'd wait for someone else and they'd sprint to their connecting flight, leaving me with no record of their movement except a swath of underexposed escalator.

Added to that, I obviously didn't have my tripod with me. I tried to use a chair for support, but still had a bit of camera shake. I had been fighting camera shake all week and need to address it further to refine my technique.

Any ideas on how to get people moving through the escalator image? I'm sure the answer is just to take hundreds of frames and hope one works, but I can only be so patient in a busy airport with the family in tow.


Scott Everett