Not a good photo night
I took exactly 47 shots tonight as part of my assignment and got 1 that was almost worth presenting. Tonight was a comedy of errors.
I started by taking about 35 shots, some decent, of a potato masher and a colander. I was pretty excited about them utnil I popped the CF card into the computer -- digital noise everywhere. I had left the ISO setting at 1600. I should have realized that something was amiss when I was able to hand-hold a few of the macro shots. I always forget to change the ISO setting. Maybe by writing this down I'll start checking it before shooting.
I corrected the ISO and went back to shooting. I had already put the masher away, so I concentrated on the colander. I framed my next shot -- the junction of the support wires on the bottom with the mesh slightly out of focus on top. I fired the shutter, and -- blurry. I tried it again with the same results. Now, I almost always shoot on a tripod here and today was no exception. After a few shots like this, I kept my eye through the viewfinder to see my composition slowly rising to the top of the frame. Apparently my tripod doesn't particularly care for my camera in a portrait layout. I spent the next 20 minutes or so trying to tighten everything up, but never could get any stability. I ended up re-orienting the tripod supports and moving the mounting plate vertically with a bit more success.
Those problems finally solved, I gleefully started shooting again; only to get crap. I'll try again later. Here's a rough draft of the best of what I got.

I started by taking about 35 shots, some decent, of a potato masher and a colander. I was pretty excited about them utnil I popped the CF card into the computer -- digital noise everywhere. I had left the ISO setting at 1600. I should have realized that something was amiss when I was able to hand-hold a few of the macro shots. I always forget to change the ISO setting. Maybe by writing this down I'll start checking it before shooting.
I corrected the ISO and went back to shooting. I had already put the masher away, so I concentrated on the colander. I framed my next shot -- the junction of the support wires on the bottom with the mesh slightly out of focus on top. I fired the shutter, and -- blurry. I tried it again with the same results. Now, I almost always shoot on a tripod here and today was no exception. After a few shots like this, I kept my eye through the viewfinder to see my composition slowly rising to the top of the frame. Apparently my tripod doesn't particularly care for my camera in a portrait layout. I spent the next 20 minutes or so trying to tighten everything up, but never could get any stability. I ended up re-orienting the tripod supports and moving the mounting plate vertically with a bit more success.
Those problems finally solved, I gleefully started shooting again; only to get crap. I'll try again later. Here's a rough draft of the best of what I got.