Scott C. Everett Photography

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Potential locations for the next photowalk

I've been brainstorming on locations for the next photowalk. Here's what I've come up with:

Lake Waco Wetlands
Downtown tour (about a 2 mile walk down Austin and Franklin Aves)
Grounds of the Earle-Harrison House

I have some other ideas outside the city limits, but I really would like to stay within the city or its immediate vicinity until we get a core group that might be willing to travel. Any thoughts?

I'm thinking about doing it a little earlier in the evening, say, 5:30 or 6. Sunset is a little earlier next month and it would give us some time afterward to head to a restaurant or other establishment to check out each other's photos.

Regardless, I'm also thinking about scheduling another get-together in mid-October in a restaurant or something to do a full review of the shots people got on the photowalk, after processing and editing. There may even be some sort of prize for the best photo (shhhh).

Wherever we are, I hope to see you there.