New project, bound to fail
I hate to be a pessimist, but I know how I operate. I was listening to the podcast EXIF And Beyond with Trey Ratcliff of Stuck In Customs and he mentioned that he maintains a photo-a-day blog. Since I've been searching for content to maintain my own blog, I thought this sounded like a good idea. Now, I'm probably going to let myself dig into my archives when necessary (especially since I am still trying to scan in old negatives), but the majority of these posts should be timely.
The goal of this is not only to publish my images here on my blog, but to bare my development as a photographer to the greater public; my steps and missteps, my feats and foibles.
There will certainly be some cross-pollination with my other feeds; Flickr and TrekLens right now. We'll see how it goes.
Here's the rub: I already maintain a personal photoblog for close friends and family to watch my children grow. I post there about 6 days per week on average. Maintaining two separate photoblogs at the same time is definitely going to be challenging, but it's worth a shot, no?
Having said all of that, here's my first image from my photo-a-day blog:

These are my next door neighbors. He's a WWII veteran from the Pacific Theatre. He was in the chow line during preparations for an invasion when he received news that we had bombed Hiroshima. Some 64 years later, he's here in Waco, celebrating 61 years of marriage.
My shooting on this was severely limited as her mobility is restricted from a couple rounds of radiation treatments for cancer and an advancing case of osteoporosis. He's not much more mobile himself. I positioned them on the couch and moved around myself as much as I could, while minimizing background distractions with varying degrees of success.
I shot with a Gary Fong Lightsphere on my hotshoe-mounted flash and changed the direction of fire thorughout.
I debated on trying to erase the frame and sconce, but since I'm not that good at Photoshop, decided to leave them in.
And to bed.
Go out, keep shooting, and have fun!
The goal of this is not only to publish my images here on my blog, but to bare my development as a photographer to the greater public; my steps and missteps, my feats and foibles.
There will certainly be some cross-pollination with my other feeds; Flickr and TrekLens right now. We'll see how it goes.
Here's the rub: I already maintain a personal photoblog for close friends and family to watch my children grow. I post there about 6 days per week on average. Maintaining two separate photoblogs at the same time is definitely going to be challenging, but it's worth a shot, no?
Having said all of that, here's my first image from my photo-a-day blog:

These are my next door neighbors. He's a WWII veteran from the Pacific Theatre. He was in the chow line during preparations for an invasion when he received news that we had bombed Hiroshima. Some 64 years later, he's here in Waco, celebrating 61 years of marriage.
My shooting on this was severely limited as her mobility is restricted from a couple rounds of radiation treatments for cancer and an advancing case of osteoporosis. He's not much more mobile himself. I positioned them on the couch and moved around myself as much as I could, while minimizing background distractions with varying degrees of success.
I shot with a Gary Fong Lightsphere on my hotshoe-mounted flash and changed the direction of fire thorughout.
I debated on trying to erase the frame and sconce, but since I'm not that good at Photoshop, decided to leave them in.
And to bed.
Go out, keep shooting, and have fun!