Scott C. Everett Photography

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POTD #29 - Continued computer trouble

Wow! I have no idea what's going on with my computer. It wouldn't boot all day long, I ran system restore 3 times and it faulted out on each attempt, then, on the third attempt, it failed but the system booted. So far, I've re-installed just about everything except the trial version of Photoshop Elements 7 (which I think caused the initial trouble this time).

Now that I have everything working again, I'm trying to get my Nikon CoolScan V ED working in Windows 7. Since I was running the 32-bit version of XP, I just found out that Nikon has not released 64-bit versions of its drivers. So now I might have to purchase another scanning software package to get my film scanner to work. You'd think Nikon would continue to support and develop drivers on a product they still sell in the marketplace. Especially since just about everyone will shortly be migrating over to a 64-bit platform of one variety or another.

In light of all this, and that I haven't been out shooting anything interesting lately, I'll post something from a deeper archive (though, obviously, not a film-based archive). I shot this image at a photowalk on the grounds of McLennan Community College. At the Art Center is a small sculpture garden. I spend quite some time shooting the sculptures, but also noticed the pattern created by the parking lot lamps during a lovely sunset. As part of my bracketing to ensure proper exposure of both the lamps and the sky, I underexposed by 2 stops (I think). On reviewing the images afterward, I liked the simple play of the lights against the black background and thought it had more impact than the intended image.
