POTD #18 - I'm back!
Whew! What a pain. I lost the system drive to my computer last week. That meant all my apps and my OS were missing. Luckily, I didn't lose any photos, though. Prior to this, the last hard drive crash cost me about 3 or 4 years worth of photos. I have learned to backup since then. Not only are my photos on a separate drive, but they, along with any edits and my Lightroom database, are automatically backed-up to an external drive and I also have an several online archives of lower resolution copies.
That said, here's my post for today. Since I had all those tech problems last week, I'll pull again from the fishing treip shoot. This is a friend of the family taking my older son fishing in the waning sunlight.

Tech Talk:
I cropped the image slightly.
Then I processed lightly as I normally do; increasing saturation and contrast, sharpened, and added a vignette.
That said, here's my post for today. Since I had all those tech problems last week, I'll pull again from the fishing treip shoot. This is a friend of the family taking my older son fishing in the waning sunlight.

Tech Talk:
I cropped the image slightly.
Then I processed lightly as I normally do; increasing saturation and contrast, sharpened, and added a vignette.