POTD #50 - Fishin' on the river
On our impromptu photowalk last weekend we encountered a bunch of people along the river. There was one group of young adults, probably teens, that looked slightly out of place. Dressed in urban style: baggy clothes for the men, tight for the women; hats askew with the brims straight; perma-sneer expressions (boy, do I sound old now), they didn't really seem like the types to spend the evening fishing along the river banks. But that's exactly what they were doing. I'm not into fishing, but I don't begrudge anyone their hobbies and I still think it's pretty cool to see that many people down along the river at that hour.

Tech Talk:
1/320 sec; f/2.8; 200 mm; ISO 200
Another shot almost straight out of the camera. I just applied my preset to sharpen and saturate a little.

Tech Talk:
1/320 sec; f/2.8; 200 mm; ISO 200
Another shot almost straight out of the camera. I just applied my preset to sharpen and saturate a little.